Open Letter: Mastodon-Brief für die englischsprachige Privacy-Community

Anbei ein Open Letter von FrauTux, der gerne als Vorlage dienen kann, wenn ihr jemanden aus der englischsprachigen Privacy-Community anschreibt und sie/ihn auf Mastodon bzw. das Fediverse »stupsen« wollt:

Dear XY,

First of all, thank you for making such an important contribution to your community. I rarely see such good content overseas.

Of course I am not writing without intention, I am a privacy contributor myself. I think it makes sense to build more bridges here and share knowledge and experience.

I realize that you are mainly targeting „legal“ issues and the law is different outside of Europe, but I saw that you only promote networks owned by companies who are known data-sellers. Have you ever considered, especially because you criticize Facebook, among others, to be represented in a decentralized and privacy-friendly medium which is not owned by a corporation?

You would have a pioneering role and would give all your website visitors a way to reach you on a free medium and you would also show users that there are (great) alternatives to GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft).

Mastodon, for example, is part of Fediverse and a decentralized network which allows its users to communicate with each other – similar to Twitter.

Open or free networks like Mastodon still lack media, public institutions and politicians who lead by example and support the alternatives. You’d be surprised how many people are already active on Mastodon and who really care about privacy. By running it parallel to Twitter, you would not only increase your reach, but also help people notice and use privacy-friendly alternatives.

And not only that, you would also reach many international (real) data protection specialists who tend to avoid media like Facebook and Co. In Germany, for example, a few authorities have  already set up their own Mastodon instance and interact with users here. Maybe that would be something for you, too? But I am sure that there are already tons of instances available in your country.

I just wanted to put this possibility out there.

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