Firefox: Wechsel zu Cookie AutoDelete

Die Einführung von E10S-Multi (Multiprozess-Browser) ab Firefox 54 und der neuen WebExtension API (ab Firefox 57) stellt einige Addon-Entwickler offenbar vor Probleme. Auszug aus der FAQ zu Self-Destructing Cookies:

Q: Will this add-on ever be multi-process (e10s) compatible?
A: Add-ons can’t monitor sites‘ LocalStorage usage in e10s mode. This functionality will probably never be restored for legacy add-ons such as SDC. This means that the answer is „very likely never“. You can still force-enable e10s and SDC should clean your cookies just fine, but it can only clean your LocalStorage when the browser starts.

Q: Will this add-on make the jump to the WebExtension world?
A: I don’t have the time for a full rewrite as a WebExtension. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Es wird also demnächst Zeit für einen Umstieg. Eventuell zu Cookie AutoDelete.

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